قد تطلب لجنة الاتصالات الفيدرالية (FCC) وضع علامات على الإعلانات السياسية التي تستخدم الذكاء الاصطناعي

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) might be stepping up the country's AI enforcement mechanisms, as the organization explores new rules for disclosing the use of AI in political ads. According to a new Notice of Proposed Rulemaking released this week,…

Ahmed 3 Min Read

ما الذي يمنح الأعشاب الطهيّة مثل اللافندر تلك الروائح والنكهات القوية

What gives culinary herbs like lavender such strong strong scents and tastes?Shutterstock/Kalina Georgieva The following is an extract from our nature newsletter Wild Wild Life. Sign up to receive it for free in your inbox every month. I’ve completely non-dramatically been referring…

Admin 2 Min Read

كيف تكتشف السحب المضيئة النادرة والجميلة

There are two things you usually need for stargazing: dark skies and clear skies. But if you live in the northern hemisphere like me, this isn’t the time of year for dark skies. And if you live in the north…

Admin 3 Min Read

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